...I had a big sister. Her name was Blossom. This picture of us was taken just a few days after I came to live with Mama and my big sis.
Most of the time, all she wanted to do was sleep. See?
Even in the sunshine! Can you believe it?
Except when she wanted food. If there was one thing Miss Blossom knew how to do it was beg. She taught me everything I know.
Yup. She was the master when it came to getting what she wanted. Someday I hope to be this good.
Too bad she's not here to teach me how to be a great beggar. Mama says Blossom went to someplace called Rainbow Bridge. I just know one day she was here and the next day she wasn't and Mama sure did cry a lot like I never seen her cry before or since.
I don't know where Rainbow Bridge is, but it sure sounds like someplace as pretty as Texas. Mama says it's not in Texas but that she hopes it has bluebonnets all-year-round. I think Mama's silly, because no place but Heaven could be that pretty...
We sure hope your Mama feels better soon. So sorry that Blossom crossed the rainbow bridge :(